
Fishing methods

You can read an abstract of each fishing method from this page, and in-depth explanations from the button links below the texts.

Heittokalastus / Spin Fishing, Fishing Lapland

Spin Fishing

Spin fishing is one of the most popular summertime fishing methods in Finland

When talking about spin fishing, we talk about a rod accompanied with a reel while using a lure at the end of the line. Lures can be spinners or spoons that are holding one triple hook. Fishing with spinning rod suites for most of us and especially for the numberless lakes of Lapland. When fishing on the rivers or streams it’s advised to use lighter lures such as spinners with weight of 5-10g. Lures with barbless triple hook are recommended to help the release of unwanted or protected fish species.


Jigging is an interesting fishing method and its roots in Finland date back to the 1990s.

Fishing with jig lures is a very common and effective way of lure fishing for perch & pike. Jigging suits the best for lake waters as the lure is a combination of a silicone bait and a weighted hook. Jiggin is easier from a boat or a dock as the lure is most often moved vertically in deeper water levels. For jigging it’s recommended to use barbless hooks weighted with brass or tungsten instead of lead, to minimize the waste left into nature.

Fishing destinations
Fly Fishing / Perhokalastus, Fishing Lapland

Fly Fishing

A challenging and versatile way of fishing.

The art of fly fishing has tempted anglers all over the world and over generations. Fly fishing suits Lapland very well as it’s in close connection with nature. Smaller glass and flexible rods make even the smaller catches creating experiences. Flies imitating real insects in natural colors are tempting for the fish and when tied to barbless fly hooks they help with responsible fish handling. Fly fishing is the method to choose when fishing on the rivers and streams of Lapland as well as on the fell areas or chasing big predators such arctic pike on the lakes.


Harling is a fishing method brought to Scandinavia by British lords back in the days

It’s a style of trolling and used mainly for fishing for salmon. When harling you must have a narrow river boat and 1-4 trolling rods to troll wobblers in the river. Wobblers are the main lures used in harling, but flies or feather light spoons may also be used. Harling requires very good boat handling skills and therefore it is recommended to learn/try harling with our professional guiding services.

Fishing destinations
Ice Fishing / Pilkki, Fishing Lapland
Fishing Services

Ice fishing

Ice fishing is a traditional winter fishing method in Finland.

It's operated with short rod or just a line in hand and fairly small lures with bate. Bates are either worms, maggots or bate paste. Ice fishing requires a hole in the ice that's drilled with a special ice drill. Ice fishing is a method which is included in everyone's right as long as it's operated on still water such as lakes or ponds. On flowing water fronts such as rivers and streams ice fishing is prohibited by Finnish law.

Fishing With Trap

Katiska kuuluu sulkupyydyksiin, jossa kala on tarkoituksena johtaa nielun kautta pyydykseen sisälle.

Nykykatiskoissa rautalankaverkon on syrjäyttänyt PE-havas ja teräsverkko. Katiskaan ei välttämättä tarvitse enää tehdä erillistä runkoa, vaan teräsverkko toimii itsekantavana.

Katiskoita on erilaisia. Perinteinen sydämen muotoinen katiska on saanut vuosien saatossa rinnalleen neliskanttisia, moninieluisia sekä kasaan taitettavia malleja. Erityisesti kasaan taitettavat, helposti liikuteltavat ja puhdistettavat muovipinnoitteiset katiskat ovat saaneet suuren suosion helppokäyttöisyytensä vuoksi.

Fishing Lapland
Fishing destinations
Fishing Lapland
Fishing destinations

Fishing With Hook & Worm

Fishing with a hook & worm is everyone's right in FInland.

Fishing with worm and hook is everyone's right in Finland as long as operated on still water such as lake or a pond.

Fishing with hook&worm is prohibited on flowing water such as river or a stream.


Trolling is a popular way of fishing around the large open areas of Finnish waters.

Trolling is lure fishing where wobblers are used to attract and fool the wanted fish. Trolling happens mainly on the lakes or ponds. 1 or more rods/lures may be used at the time and the limit of rods must always be checked from the permit in use. Fishing with a larger number of rods in use it’s recommended to use our professional fishing services available. Use of guiding services is recommended also because of the need of good boat handling skill as well as the knowledge of the water and its hazards to ensure a safe fishing experience.

Uistelu, Fishing Lapland

Seine fishing / Traditional fishing

A very popular fishing method in Finland.

Shore seine fishing is a traditional method to fish white fish or vendace on Finnish lakes.

Seine fishing is operated as cultural experience at lake Jeris.