Fishing Services
You can find a list of fishing experience service providers on this page to help you plan your trip.
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Our company Pyhä Safaris was started by the current manager Tommi’s parents Sinikka and Raimo in 2004. We first started with just 6 snowmobiles and…
Salmon fly fishing on the Tornionjoki River! Fly fishing and spin fishing from a casting boat in the Bothnian Sea and Lake Miekojärvi, targeting pike,…
Grayling Guide offers quality fishing trips in Northern Finland, Sweden and Norway. We are located in Enontekiö, Finland. Teemu is a professional fishing guide and…
Make Your dreams come true and go on an unforgettable fishing trip to the northern nature where Your mind rests. A professional fishing and wilderness…
Experience fishing and nature adventures with a professional guide in the Muonio region, the Käsivarsi wilderness, as well as in Swedish Lapland and Northern Norway….
Lapland Fishing offers customized services seamlessly tailored to the customer’s preferences. You can choose your preferred fish species and fishing method, and we will find…
Aurora Holidays provides high-quality accommodation, restaurant, and program services in Utsjoki by the Teno river. We offer package solutions where the customer is at the…
The original Northern Hunter, Markku Rauhala, was born and has lived his entire life in the Fell Lapland. Now, he wants to focus on offering…
Ranuan Kalajaloste Oy is the result of a long-term commitment and passion for fishing. Our core values include not only the well-being of nature and…
Arctikiller specializes in fishing in the Käsivarsi region, particularly in Lätäseno and Könkämäeno. We are specialized on fly fishing for trout. The trips typically last…
Arctic Wilderness Guide is a guided fishing services company located in Kilpisjärvi, in the Finnish arm of Lapland. During the summer, we offer guided fly-fishing…
Arctic Fishing offers fishing program services in the Northern regions of Norway, Northern Sweden, and Northern Finland. We provide diverse fishing program services for almost…
Lohestajan Maja offers accommodation, boat rentals, and our café-kiosk serves travelers along Highway 21 in Pakamukka, Muonio. Conveniently, you can also purchase salmon fishing permits…
Looking for a basecamp for your fishing, hunting & outdoor activities? Lapinkoski Outdoor Activities is located in the river Simojoki, in Southern Lapland. In the…
Lapland Wild Fish (Lapin Villikala) is in the business of fish tourism, fish processing and commercial fishing. The company operates lakes in the Tengeliö River…
Welcome to Visanto for a memorable holiday and unforgettable experiences Visanto Lodge offers inclusive and experience-rich holidays in beautiful Lapland nature Experience arctic activities in…
Jänkäkoira is a fishing tourism company located along route 5 At a former school in the village of Vuostimo in Kemijärvi. Kemijoki, Finland’s largest river,…
Flow of Experience – Flow of Experience offers responsibly managed fishing trips, tailored to your needs. Fish in Lapland, on rivers, lakes and the Arctic…
For fisherman Kilpisjärvi and Käsivarsi wilderness area offers great opportunity to catch trophy size fishes in breath taking landscapes. Below you find some ready made…
We organize high quality fishing trips and program services in Finnish Lapland, Northern Norway and Sweden. We tailor the majority of our programs according to…
Niku’s fishing trips won’t leave anyone indifferent! So come and experience fishing with me, whether it’s setting nets together or trolling from the boat, casting…
Kuttasen Fishing and Adventure Tours organizes diverse fishing trips in Enontekiö, Kuttainen. Fishing trips are customized according to the customer’s preferences, ranging from day trips…
LappeanLohi is located on the shore landscape of Lapland’s most important salmon river, the River Tornionjoki, set by a confluence of two free-flowing rivers teeming…
We are a small tourism business offering traditional Finnish experiences. We have been operational since 1990 and are known for our reliability, high quality and…
We are a unique family business in terms of location, atmosphere, and history, with our core activities being accommodation, restaurant, and program services in the…
Naamisuvanto Fishing Resort is a family-run business specializing in fishing, managed by the entrepreneur couple Petri and Taina Uusitalo. Naamisuvanto is located along the Tornionjoki…
Samperin Savotta is a warm-hearted, full-service hotel and holiday resort in Savukoski on the banks of River Kemijoki. It is surrounded by an expanse of…
The fishing center, tourism and program service company SimojoenLohiranta is located by the best fishing destinations in Simojoki, about 20 km from the E4 and…
Onnela Resort is located by Lake Inari, more specifically on the Eastern edge of Sammakkoridge. The Resort lies right next to Vätsäri Wilderness Area. Onnela…
Ylläs Experiences – excursions and memorable moments around Ylläs Whether it’s your first or hundredth time in Lapland, you’ll always discover something new on a…

Ylläs Experiences
Ylläs Experiences – retkiä ja elämyksellisiä hetkiä Ylläksen ympärillä.
Olitpa Lapissa ensimmäistä tai sadatta

Wild Kevo
Saunallinen erämaamaja (8 hlö) jossa arinkosähkö ja juokseva vesi ja puhtaat lakanat. Koskematon jylhä luonto.

Simojoen Lohiranta
Kalastuskeskus, matkailu- ja ohjelmapalveluyritys Simojoen Lohiranta sijaitsee parhaiden kalastuskohteiden äärellä Simojokivarressa n. 20 km E4:lta

Pyhä Safaris
Olemme paikallinen aktiviteetteja tarjoava perheyritys. Meillä on pitkä kokemus aktiviteettipakettien tuottamisesta. Tarjoamme laadukkaita palveluita sekä

Northern Fishing Adventures
Lohen perhokalastusta Tornionjoella! Heittokalastusveneestä perhokalastusta ja heittokalastusta Perämerellä sekä Miekojärvellä kohde kaloina hauki, kuha, taimen

Musto Fly Fishing
Musto Fly Fishing on iiläinen kalastus- ja eräopaspalveluita tuottava yritys, joka tarjoaa räätälöityjä kalastus- ja

Lapland Wild Fish
Lapin Villikalan toimiala on kaupallinen kalastus, kalankäsittely, kalastusmatkailu sekä kalastusalle kouluttaminen.

Lapinkoski Outdoor Activities
Lapinkoski tarjoaa korkeatasoisen luontoelämyksen vapaasti virtaavan luonnontilaisen Simojoen rannalla ja nivamainen Lapinkoski soveltuu upeasti etenkin

Kuttanen Fishing Adventure Trips
Kuttasen kalastus- sekä elämysmatkat järjestää monipuolisia kalastusmatkoja Enontekiöllä Kuttasessa. Kalastusmatkat räätälöidään asiakkaan toiveiden mukaan aina

Kairijoki toteuttaa perhokalastajan unelmat. Entisöidyn uittojoen rannat ovat avarat, ja kaloille riittää suojaisia levähdyspaikkoja. Kärkikala

Jänkäkoira on kalastusmatkailuyritys, joka sijaitsee viitostien varrella Kemijärven Vuostimon kylässä olevalla entisellä koululla.

Hunter of the North
Alkuperäinen Pohjoisen Pyytäjä, Markku Rauhala, on syntynyt ja asunut koko elämänsä Tunturi-Lapissa. Nyt hän haluaa

Olemme niin sijainniltamme, tunnelmaltamme kuin historialtamme ainutlaatuinen perheyritys, jonka ydintoimintaa ovat majoitus-, ravintola ja ohjelmapalvelut